
A Look at Aircraft Finance – Part I
In this edition of mba’s insight series, we will look at…

mba’s STAR Fleet Analyzes Aviation in South Korea
South Korea Aviation Market Snapshot
Powered by mba’s…

Aircraft Value Update and Insights for Q1 2018
What’s Driving Values in Q1 2018?
REDBOOK’s ISTAT Certified…

Technical Records in Commercial Aircraft Leases
Aircraft leasing has become a significant factor in today’s…

Boeing MAX v Airbus Neo: An Evolving Rivalry
Since the launch of the 737 Next Generation (NG) and the…

Helicopters: An Evolving Market
This edition of mba’s Insight Series highlights some of…

How Monarch Monetized Gatwick Slots Post-Collapse
Monarch Airlines Limited (“Monarch”) sold its…

Low Cost Carriers Emerging Against the Odds in Latin America
Source: OAG, World Bank; 2017 Data current as of 3Q

Maintenance Matters in Aircraft ABS Deals
In an aircraft lease, lessors collect maintenance compensation…

Frequent Flyer Programs, Part 2: An International Perspective on Loyalty Programs and Spin-offs
This article will explore the global FFP business environment…