Portfolio Management & ABS / EETC Packages
Manage aircraft assets easier and faster with the REDBOOK Portfolio module. Create an unlimited number of portfolios with multiple aircraft & engines assets. Portfolios show values updated quarterly.
The Portfolio module allows users to create batches of aircraft for further analysis. By saving aircraft of interest to personal folders, users can return in future quarters to quickly access mba’s revised values data for those aircraft. Assets may be added as individual aircraft by MSN, as a generic aircraft type of a particular vintage, or as a fleet with dozens of aircraft, using the Excel upload template. Portfolios may be shared among REDBOOK users to speed up your team’s workflow.
Access turnkey Portfolios for all ABS and EETC deals prepared by the mba team. Upon mba’s quarterly values updates, the half-time, full-life, soft value, and lease rate range data will update automatically.